The Antenatal Clinic is lead by the midwife. This clinic provides the opportunity to find out all you want to know about your pregnancy. The primary aim of antenatal care is to monitor your health during pregnancy, as well as the health and development of your baby. It can help predict possible problems with your pregnancy or birth, so action can be taken to avoid or treat them.

Home pregnancy test kits are usually very reliable so it is not normally necessary to have a doctor repeat the test to confirm that you are pregnant. However, you should make an appointment to see the midwife when you become pregnant. During the course of your pregnancy, you may be seen by a variety of people – doctors and midwives – who will all have an input into the care of you and your baby.

A booking-in appointment is usually made at around 12 weeks with the Midwife at home. You will be asked a number of questions, about your health, your family history and any previous pregnancies. The aim is to get a good basic idea of your health and your pregnancy so far. You will be asked to give a blood and urine sample at this appointment.

Throughout your pregnancy, you will have a number of consultations either at home, at the surgery or at the hospital. Some of the routine checks that may be performed include:

Questions on your babys movements

Palpation – feeling your tummy

Listening to your baby’s heart

Taking a urine sample test

Swelling in your legs, arms & face

Questions about how you feel

Whilst pregnancy can be a fantastic time, it can also bring worries – we and our midwives are here to help you through the experience.